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Wireless Home Security – New Entrants to the Home Security Systems Industry

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May 25, 2016

Wireless Home Security – New Entrants to the Home Security Systems Industry

The US security systems industry has a long and interesting history going back to the mid-1800’s. And the name of the largest US security systems company, ADT, actually stands for American District Telegraph. Yup, the basic technologies, and even some of the players, have been around for a long time. But until the past few years, home security systems services were provided for the most part by companies that specialized in electronic security. That’s no longer the case: now there are new kids on the block!


New Entrants


For a variety of reasons, the home security systems industry has seen a rash of new entrants over the past several years. Some of these recent additions to our sector include telephone companies, cable companies, and a bewildering array of small start-up technology companies. Here’s a partial list of what is attracting them to home security systems:

  • Recurring revenues from monthly fees are predictable, and subject a company to much less cyclicality than other business models.
  • Declines in other types of business (such as the cable industry’s ongoing loss of subscribers) have caused these companies to search for new areas where they can play.
  • Penetration of the US market for home security systems is still under 30% of homes - so there is lots of room for growth.
  • Security systems technology has evolved to the point where the systems do a lot more, increasing the potential of the market.

Focus on Expanded Services

Perhaps the biggest driver for all this new competition is that the systems themselves do, in fact, provide a lot more functionality today. The expansion includes interactive monitoring, smart video services, and even home automation features (such as remote control of lights, locks, and thermostats). That connectivity that is facilitated by highly-intuitive apps. And now that so many people have smart phones, the homeowner with one of these systems can feel not just protected – but also connected.

Security is Still at the Heart

But the fact remains that at the heart of these smarter, expanded offerings lies a basic need: peace of mind. In fact, numerous surveys performed by players from the security systems industry (and even some outside it) have demonstrated that homeowners view the protection of the home and family as job #1, and the other features as the icing on the cake. In fact, a telling recent quote from an article in an security systems industry publication says it very well:

Consumers today have an expectation that the system they install in their homes can be remotely managed with a smartphone or tablet, and also have the ability to easily interface with other devices and appliances within their residence. At the core of this technology revolution, security remains one of the cornerstones upon which the larger smart home industry has been built.

That makes the point: it all starts with peace of mind.

Good Service Really Matters

Another issue that has arisen with the new entrants is the level of service that the homeowner can expect. Some of these companies now selling home security systems as part of a broader service offering are in truth the poster children for just how bad service can be: among them, notably, are several of the largest cable providers. It’s a well-documented fact that consumers are less than satisfied with their cable company: and if you can’t get good service when it comes to home entertainment, you do really want to trust the protection of your home and family to that same company? That is why those companies are having a tougher time attracting security systems customers than they expected.

Shop for the Best Service

So, read those review, and do your research on-line to find the best security systems company to meet your needs. The good ones are offering the latest technology, so you won’t need to worry about whether you are getting an integrated solution that does it all – but you’ll also be getting the level of service that you expect – and deserve.

Find Your Perfect System

Systems staring at $79*
Steve Smith
May 28, 2016
To opt for the best service provider in regards of security is not hard. Reference may become handy in this case. In fact there are plenty of service providers but the main thing to concern is about their after sale service.
John W.
May 30, 2016
well done article
Rene Daigneault
May 31, 2016
Hey there, It's great to read another article of you. Looking forward to hear more from you!
June 15, 2016
Excellent<a href="" rel="nofollow"> </a>article,<a href="" rel="nofollow"> </a>thanks<a href="" rel="nofollow"> </a> for this post, looking forward to future posts from you!
Elizabeth Phillips
June 28, 2016
As we move more toward home automation with residential security systems, we can expect to see advances in not only functionality but ease of use. Thanks for the post!
James Morris
July 1, 2016
Very good information -
larry wilson
July 28, 2016
Thanks for sharing these great guidelines. When we think about home security systems then we also think about their functionality and think how to use them easily.
techgeekx onsite
October 26, 2016
Awesome article it was exceptionally helpful I simply began in this and I’m becoming more acquainted with it better! cheers. keep doing awesome.
Amit Samra
November 28, 2016
Hi Peter ! This post is really good to inspire someone through security and your all the entrants points are really good. Thanks!
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